Chapter 1048 Member Resurrects Vietnam Veteran Tribute Truck

Chapter 1048 member David Rose brought the Vietnam Veteran Tribute Truck to a recent chapter meeting in Daytona Beach, Florida. Used to help veterans with PTSD, the 1946 Chevrolet carries thousands of Vietnam veterans’ signatures and travels the Southeast to fight PTSD. “Everyone had a great time signing the truck,” says chapter President Rod Phillips.

In December 2017, Rose bought the Tribute Truck at auction, having seen the difference it was making among veterans and the potential it had to do so in the future. A veteran afflicted with PTSD, Rose has used the process of re-association through The Strongest Memory Wins techniques to cope, and saw the truck as an opportunity to help his postwar brothers and sisters face the daily struggles of PTSD.

The Vietnam Veteran Tribute Truck hopes to attract Vietnam veterans who are in need of assistance and offer them the resources they need to cope. At each public appearance the truck makes, brochures and assistance are available on-site to veterans who come forward. For many, the simple act of signing the Tribute Truck provides these veterans with the recognition, healing and feeling of camaraderie they might not have experienced in a long time.

Numerous individuals and organizations have donated their time and services to ensure the truck remains in good shape and can continue to travel to veterans’ events to help those with PTSD. All donations to the Vietnam Veteran Tribute Truck go toward its travel expenses.

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