Chapter 565 Marks 20th Anniversary of Memorial

Bagpiper at Memorial

In Pottstown, PA, Chapter 565 celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Pottstown Vietnam Memorial recently.

The ceremony featured keynote speaker Navy Capt. Robert Boyce. There were also remarks by State Sen. Bob Mensch, State Reps. Tim Hennessey and Tom Quigley, and Mayor Sharon Valentine-Thomas.

A bagpipe provided music with ‘America the Beautiful’ and ‘Amazing Grace’.

The memorial is dedicated to the soldiers from Pottstown that were killed in Vietnam. It is decorated with 26 plum and cherry trees for each of soldiers, including one tree for POW/MIAs. Each of the trees bears the name, birthdate, and death date of a soldier who is memorialized.

Additionally, the memorial features a gazebo and a memorial to Gold Star families.

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